Upcoming Events

Monthly Meetings
CBE holds its monthly meetings on the third Friday of every month. These meetings are open to anyone interested – members, non-members, and guests. The purpose of these meetings is to meet new people and form friendships. Our name badges show your name and your parish/other place of worship. Badges do not include the name of your business because overt selling is not part of the culture of this meeting.

Photos by Denis Kelly Jr.

Members gather every other month on a Tuesday morning to get better acquainted, learn about member businesses, and nurture business relationships. Members register for meetings through email invitations. Bring business cards to this meeting. Members gather in a different location for every meeting so be sure to check your reservation before you leave for the meeting!

Photos by Denis Kelly Jr.

A few times each year CBE holds a Business After Hours meeting. Everyone is welcome. The scheduling of this meeting accommodates members and non-members who cannot easily attend morning meetings. These meetings are always held in warmer months and usually at George’s Place. If you would like to receive email invitations so you can register for a Business After Hours meeting, please sign up for our mailing list.